About Oiltanking Deutschland

Oiltanking Deutschland: Tank storage logistics provider

Oiltanking Deutschland has been active in tank storage logistics since 1972, and is one of the largest independent partners of tank terminals for oils and biofuels in Germany. The company owns and operates 11 terminals with a total storage capacity of 2.375 million cbm. They are located all over Germany, primarly in the seaport of Hamburg and along the Rhine. At the tank terminals, Oiltanking Deutschland stores and handles various products for its customers – from gasoline to middle distillates to biofuels. The total throughput of all terminals in 2020 was around 18.2 million tons.

Oiltanking Deutschland is not the owner of the goods stored, but merely provides its services in the field of tank storage logistics. Our clients include private and state oil companies, refiners, petrochemical companies, and traders in petroleum products.

To further improve our shareholder value, we continue to employ a strategy of controlled growth of our tank terminal-based service network through acquisitions, new buildings and upgrading of existing facilities. Oiltanking Deutschland has a strong customer orientation and provides tailor-made infrastructure. Its focus is on safe, efficient, and reliable services in constructing and operating its facilities.

Oiltanking Deutschland currently employs around 270 people.

tank terminal
million cbm
tank storage capacity
million tons
total throughput

The history of Oiltanking Deutschland

The Oiltanking story began in 1972 with the merger of originally independent tank terminals into a single unit.

September 1972

Pooling of the tank terminals in Oiltanking GmbH

Until this date, each tank terminal of the Marquard & Bahls group has been a separate legal entity, for example, the Karlsruher Tanklager GmbH & Co., the Tanklager GmbH & Co. KG in Frankfurt etc. The tank terminals belonging to Mabanaft Nord are combined into Oiltanking GmbH. The combination is hoped to accelerate processing and improve the flow of information. It will also allow the company to present a common front to the customers. In Germany and in neighbouring countries, Oiltanking's own tank terminals have a capacity of approx. 1 million cbm, to which leased tank space of approx. 700,000 cbm can be added. The aim is to diversify by expanding storage capacity, and to lease about half the capacity to third parties.

January 1994

Founding of Oiltanking Deutschland GmbH

Since 1989, the various Oiltanking subsidiaries outside Europe have been individual profit centers responsible for their own results. In order to be able to react faster and more flexibly to market changes in Germany, Oiltanking Deutschland GmbH is founded on January 14, 1994, which is later renamed Oiltanking Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG. 

At that time Oiltanking Deutschland GmbH has nine tank terminals with a total capacity of around 1.7 million cbm. They are located in Hamburg, Berlin, Hamm, Duisburg, Bendorf, Frankfurt, Karlsruhe, Honau and Gera. Through the subsequent acquisition of a facility in Hamburg (1997), the purchase of the Hanau tank terminal and a facility in Karlsruhe (1999), the purchase of the Waltershof tank terminal (2015), and the expansion of the Honau tank terminal (2008), Oiltanking Germany today operates 11 tank terminals with a total capacity of 2.375 million cbm.

Our parent company

Oiltanking Deutschland is a subsidiary of Mabanaft GmbH & Co. KG, a leading independent and integrated energy company. Mabanaft provides its customers with innovative energy solutions for their transportation, heating, and industrial needs. The company is active in the import, distribution and marketing of petroleum products, natural gas liquids, chemicals, and biofuels. Mabanaft offers its customers a broad and flexible range of products, serving the conventional market, and at the same time, playing a pioneering role in the field of innovative low-carbon fuel solutions. 


Our parent company