Corporate responsibility & sustainability

Corporate responsibility, sustainability & HSSE

Company policy

Health and safety

Facility security


Ensuring occupational health and safety, facility security, and protection of the environment is a top priority for us.

In our company policy, we commit to preventing accidents, injuries and occupational health hazards and to protecting the environment. To achieve this, we continuously optimize all activities at our sites with regard to technical, organizational and behavioral safety, and promote a proactive safety culture.

Compliance with all relevant requirements is part of our corporate policy. As part of the Mabanaft Group, Oiltanking Deutschland is committed to the Groups environmental and safety policy. This commitment is formally documented in a separate company policy.

This ensures that all business processes that have an impact on quality, the environment, as well as occupational safety and plant security can be planned, controlled and monitored throughout. To ensure continuous improvement, targets are defined and their achievement is monitored.

An important measure in this context is the development and maintenance of an integrated management system, based on which the processes in the company are documented and continuously improved.

One central tool in HSSEs work is its own incident database. Incidents and accidents that have a negative impact on safety, the environment, and the provision of our services are documented here so that we can learn from accidents and prevent their recurrence. All incidents and safety-related occurrences, including near-misses, unsafe behavior, and unsafe conditions are documented and systematically analyzed. If necessary, HSSE alerts are created which are sent to the relevant sites and communicated to our employees, as well as externally if applicable.

In order to measure, evaluate, and manage compliance with our standards and the success of our safety work, regular internal audits are conducted and detailed HSSE statistics are compiled, with leading and lagging indicators.

A key aspect in ensuring safe and environmentally conscious operations is the training and development of our employees. New employees, as well as contractors and visitors, are instructed in HSSE topics before they start their work or visit.